Have your family or friends closer by buying a virtual number

Have your family or friends closer by buying a virtual number

When you temporarily or permanently live away from family members and friends, any help that improves communications with them is well received. Currently, technology offers enough and varied tools to have family and friends much closer by physically. FixedVirtual solutions such as virtual number or the possibility of diverting fixed to the mobile phone are of great help to get close to loved ones when they are geographically far away.


Before leaving to spend a season in another country, before moving to another place, you can always organize so that despite the distance one still feels very close to those you love and FijoVirtual with its possibilities of diverting fixed to the mobile, with a virtual number and with international telephone prefixes, among other services, makes it very easy.

For example, in FijoVirtual it is possible to acquire a free phone number in practically any country in the world and be able to receive calls in that country call us from the place you call us. This opens an immense range of possibilities.

One of the most used options is to hire a virtual number in the country of origin which will be temporarily or permanently abandoned to maintain a local number that can be called by our family and friends without having to pay for international calls. keep calling us as if we were by your side and that call can be received in any other country in the world thanks, for example, to the possibility of diverting fixed to the mobile phone in all received calls. In other words, our relatives and friends can call us at a local telephone and that call can be received at any telephone in the world to which we have diverted the reception of calls.

Another very used option is to contract a free phone number in FijoVirtual of the country of destination. Thus, our family and friends can call us wherever we are and we will not have cost anything structure. This is an ideal service, for example, when you arrive in a country and you are not yet settled in it, you do not have a fixed address or you have not been able to install the telephone lines required for any reason. With the virtual number, calls can be received and diverted to a voice mailbox, to a mobile phone in the country where we are, etc., etc., etc.

Escrito el 2017-05-26 Blog 0 6286

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