Buy your home phone for your services website or online store

Buy your home phone for your services website or online store

If you have a website that offers services or in which products are sold online in the virtual store that is enabled, having the right communications solutions is vital for the business. FijoVirtual can help, and much, with services such as free virtual number, contract number 902, international telephone prefixes or virtual fax.


A virtual business offers great opportunities and faces many challenges. Two of the most important challenges that any online business must face is the image that is projected and the offer of a solid customer service. All this can be optimized with the solutions of telephone operators of companies of solvency and the trajectory of FijoVirtual.

Currently, you can set up many businesses without having to have a physical location, the technology allows you to have a Web services or products online without having to maintain expensive offices, etc.

Now, that currently for many businesses there is no need to have a physical location does not mean that these businesses do not have the need to be available, be accessible and be recognizable by customers. Thus, for any business it is vital to have a landline where you can call, etc.

The above allows two things, on the one hand it allows to generate confidence in the potential customers of the company, because they know that there is someone who will serve them on the other side of the phone and, in addition, generates company image and, on the other hand, allows loyalty and give better service to existing customers, because it allows them to have an open channel to contact, resolve their doubts, etc.

Formerly to have customer service channels, telephony, etc., it was required to have secretaries, expensive telephone facilities, expensive equipment and strong maintenance, but nowadays all this can be eliminated with services such as the virtual number for free, the possibility of divert fixed to the mobile or the possibility, among others, to have an Internet number or IP voice.

And all of the above without forgetting that in a global environment like the current one, giving a dimension and a global reach to the business is essential for many companies. All this is achieved in the best way with international telephone prefixes or other telephony solutions that allow a low cost reach all corners of the world offering a global service and local attention.

Escrito el 2017-05-02 Blog 0 3235

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