Virtual number offers
Below we present a series of offers that we have available at this time, please read carefully the conditions of the offers.
General Conditions of Virtual Phone offers
- Are only valid for the page
- Offers are not complementary or compatible with each other, it is only possible to have a virtual phone per.
- Offers are only valid for a customer account (email) can not be associated with multiple accounts.
- Please read the general conditions of the services , these are still valid.
- Only valid if paid by credit or debit card, not valid Paypal payment.
- Offers are for a limited time. We reserve the right to remove or change any or all of these offers when we deem it appropriate and without prior notice.
- Not compatible with calls fowarding via vozip.
Offers Virtual number Top up

- Top up € 20 and we give you € 22 on your virtual phone account.
- Top up 40 € and we give you 45 € in your virtual phone account.
- Top up 50 € and we give you 58 € in your virtual phone account.
- The recharge can be used for both maintenance and call fowarding.
- Not compatible with other offers, neither with flat rate, nor with a year at 50%.
- If you Top up more than the value of each recharge on offer (€ 20, € 40 and € 50) is not cumulative ie for example if you Top up € 70 you can only take the offer of the € 50 Top up, in this case you It is advisable to make two Top up in different processes first Top up € 50 and then € 20 so you can get € 8 and € 2 respectively.
- The recharges count as your minimum Top up amount does not correspond proportional interpolation of the gift, ie for example if you Top up € 30 you will Top up for € 20 and we will give you € 2 of balance, and so on.
Offer One year at half price

- Only monthly maintenance that must be paid annually in advance applies.
- This offer is only valid for new buy (can not be applied to virtual phone currently in use)
- It is only valid for the first year, the following years have no discount and the offer expires.
- The calls fowarding have no discount is the normal price marked in the rate.
- Not compatible with Top up offer.
- Offer valid only for Spain, Portugal, Argentina, France and Italy. Ask us about your country.
Flat Rate Offer 200

- Flat rate you only pay € 24 per month for landlines in Spain (€ 8 / month), other countries ask.
- Includes the cost of maintaining the virtual number.
- The cost of calls fowarding is included up to 200 free minutes in calls to Spanish mobiles.
- Only valid for receiving calls with mobiles from Spain (or landlines). Not valid for receiving calls with landlines or mobile numbers from other countries.
- Not valid for toll free numbers (Free).
- Balances not used during a month are not cumulative the following month.
- The virtual PBX is totally free.
- Not compatible with Top up offer.
Flat Rate Offer 400

- Flat rate you only pay € 30 per month for landlines in Spain (€ 8 / month), other countries ask.
- Includes the cost of maintaining the virtual number.
- The cost of fowarding calls is included up to 400 free minutes in calls to Spanish mobile phones.
- Only valid for receiving calls with mobiles from Spain (or landlines). Not valid for receiving calls with landlines or mobile numbers from other countries.
- Not valid for toll free numbers (Free).
- Balances not used during a month are not cumulative the following month.
- The virtual PBX is totally free.
- Not compatible with Top up offer.