Implementation of your company or business in another city

Implementation of your company or business in another city

Currently, most businesses no longer have only a local reach, but that scope is global. On many occasions, this scope is international and not very national. For all those cases where the activity needs to be developed outside the local scope, having a virtual fixed number can be tremendously useful.


A virtual fixed number makes it possible to have a presence in any province or area of ​​the country without having to be in the whole country. There are options to put special or other rating numbers, but if what is sought is to give an image of proximity or proximity to the customer, the virtual fixed number is the Ideal solution.

This service is highly valued by the people who call the company, because the perception of making a local call is the company where it is generated a sympathy and greater empathy. At the operational level it is interesting, but as a marketing strategy it is fundamental.

In addition, with the virtual fixed number can also be enjoyed for example associated services such as the possibility of diverting fixed mobile, the possibility of having a virtual fax or a virtual switchboard among many other options.

The company can be physically only in one place, or if you are an autonomous professional being physically and available for each of the provinces where you operate virtual numbers, an online phone number for each province and all these incoming calls Centralize in a single location, on any landline or even mobile phone.

One of the great advantages of the services offered in this area from FijoVirtual is that you can enjoy this service of virtual numbers and, for example, divert fixed to the mobile phone without the caller perceiving the slightest loss of quality in the call.

Thanks to the use of the most advanced technologies and the provision and maintenance of the most complete infrastructure, we can, as telephony operators, offer the most advanced services in this regard. Advanced services that make it easy for any company of any size or sector, as well as any autonomous professional, to benefit from all the services we offer.

Take advantage of the opportunity to grow through virtual numbers is to take the opportunity to grow any business or company and get closer to customers at a virtually zero cost, at a minimum cost that contrasts with the wide range of benefits that this service provides.

Escrito el 2017-05-26 Blog 0 3127

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