Press release: europapress

Press release: europapress

In just a few years we have become one of the main actors in virtual telephony worldwide. That is why we wanted to tell you that we have been called from europapress to give an informative note about the avant-garde services we offer in terms of virtual numbers.

Europa press is the 186 most visited website in Spain and one of the most important worldwide.

From this link you can see the full note on the main advantages of hiring a virtual phone number.

COMMUNIQUE: Main advantages of hiring a virtual telephone number

This type of virtual services that offers virtual fixed offers many advantages. The main one is that it is not obligatory to have or have a physical device for your use you can use a normal mobile to receive calls. That is, it is possible to have two associated telephone numbers in the same SIM card, one for the usual mobile number and another for the virtual one. If you add a virtual switchboard to virtual lines, they can include a voicemail, call waiting, welcome menu, blocking incoming numbers, and many more functions. Regarding activation, it is, in general, very fast .

(c) 2015 Europa Press. The redistribution and retransmission of this content without express prior consent is expressly prohibited.

Escrito el 2018-03-19 Blog 0 7610

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